Beekeeping can be a pricey hobby, especially if you are a new beekeeper. The wonderful thing about beekeeping is that there is a way for this hobby to pay for itself, as well as for your time taking care of the bees. Beekeeping is an awesome way to make money, or bring your entrepreneur dreams to life. There are so many business opportunities; whether it's with wax, honey, or even with the bees. Today we will be talking about 5 ways to Make Money with Honey:
1: Selling Raw Honey
Selling raw honey is a wonderful way to pay for your beekeeping hobby, as well as get something extra. Selling bottled raw local honey is the easiest way to make money off honey. The most successful methods we have found when selling honey would be at the farmer's markets, to your neighbors, at fairs, festivals, or church/ fundraiser events, and selling online.
The most successful method we have found is when we are selling honey at our local Honey Festival. So if you're looking into selling honey, try your local festivals or fairs. These are easy to get into. The only thing that you usually have to pay for is a booth.
2: Selling Whipped Honey
If you are wanting to spice things up to create a different demand in the honey market, try selling whipped honey. This is a fun way to try something different than selling regular raw honey in a bottle. In addition, people will go crazy over this honey product. The most successful time we had when selling whipped honey was at the farmer's markets. Farmers' markets usually happen on Saturday - Sunday mornings/afternoons. Usually, they are free to set up but there are certain farmers' markets where the cities will ask for payment to sell there. So make sure to research if you are wanting to sell in a farmers market.
3: Selling Honeycomb
When we were selling honey, this was always a popular request from people. Usually, we had requests from people who were wanting to buy these as gifts for Christmas or even fun aesthetic home decor. So letting your neighbors know, or selling online would be the best market for selling honeycomb.
4: Selling Honey Butter
Selling honey butter is fun, and usually a very successful way to sell honey. When we would go to honey festivals we would usually sell out of our honey butter on the first day. We couldn't keep up with the demand. People loved it. Selling honey butter is also a fun way to be different from other honey vendors that may be at festivals or farmers' markets. We also suggest selling honey butter at festivals, and at church/ fundraiser events.
5: Selling Honey Sticks
Finally, our last piece of advice for Making Money with Honey would be to sell honey sticks. These are usually a little hard to produce but if you know how to make these little sticks it's worth it. When we sold honey sticks we usually had children buy them or people who were interested in fitness/ health. We would recommend selling them at church, school, or fundraiser events. These are easy to sell, and parents love them for their kids because they are better for them than candy.
(Check out our recipes blog to learn how to make honey butter, and whipped honey!)