Harnessing the Sweetness of this Summer:

Prepare your beehives this summer with the right tools, and education!

Greetings, fellow beekeepers and honey enthusiasts!

As we shake off the last vestiges of winter and bask in the warmth of spring, it's time to turn our attention to the golden season ahead - summer.

Summer brings with it an abundance of flowers, and with them, nectar – the lifeline of our buzzing friends and the primary ingredient in our beloved honey. Right now you need to careful prepare your beehives to make the most of this bounty.

Let's dive into how you can prepare, and gear up your hive for this summer!

1. Perform a thorough hive inspection

Start with a comprehensive hive check to ensure that your bees have survived the winter and are ready to work in the summer. Take a careful look at the queen - her health and productivity are vital to the colony's success. If she seems unproductive or unwell, consider replacing her. Look for signs of disease or pests like mites, which can proliferate rapidly in the summer heat.

2. Ensure ample space for honey storage

As the nectar flow increases, your bees will need more space to store the honey they produce. This is where honey supers come in handy. These are boxes that you add to your hive for the bees to fill with honey. Make sure you have enough on hand, and add them when about 70% of the existing space is filled. Not providing sufficient space could lead to overcrowding and swarming, where a large group of bees leaves the hive to find a new home.

3. Provide sufficient ventilation

Summer heat can sometimes be overwhelming for our hardworking bees, and hives can become overheated. Ample ventilation is critical to keep the hive cool and allow water evaporation, which bees use for air conditioning. Consider using a screened bottom board or propping the hive lid slightly to improve airflow.

4. Keep an eye on water resources

Bees need water, not just for survival, but also to cool the hive. They collect water and spread it around the hive, then fan it with their wings to evaporate and cool the air. If natural water resources are scarce in your area, consider providing a water source. This can be as simple as a shallow dish filled with water and pebbles (so the bees don't drown).

5. Maintain vigilance for pests and diseases

Summer is a prime time for pests like the Varroa mite and diseases such as American Foulbrood. Regularly check your hive and employ preventive measures. If you find evidence of any pests or diseases, take immediate action.

6. Harvest responsibly

Lastly, while summer is a time of bounty, it's essential to harvest responsibly. Always leave enough honey for your bees - they'll need it when food sources become scarce. A good rule of thumb is to leave about 15-20 pounds of honey per hive for the bees.


With these tips, you're well on your way to preparing your Harvest Lane Honey beehives for a productive summer. Remember, our buzzing buddies work tirelessly throughout the season, and it's our job to support them in their endeavor. So, here's to a summer buzzing with activity and flowing with honey!


Happy Beekeeping!

Tools To Get Started

1. Beehive Tool Kit

Start with a comprehensive hive check using the Harvest Lane Honey Beehive Tool Kit. This kit includes a smoker, hive tool, and bee brush - everything you need for a thorough inspection. Make sure your queen is healthy and productive, as her performance is vital for the colony's success. If she seems unproductive, consider using our Queen Bee Marking Kit for easy identification and possible replacement.

2. Honey Supers

As the nectar flow heightens, your bees will need ample space to store honey. This is where Harvest Lane Honey Supers come in handy. These boxes provide extra storage for your bees to fill with honey. Add them when about 70% of the existing space is filled to prevent overcrowding and swarming.

3. Screened Bottom Boards

Summer heat can sometimes be stifling for our industrious bees, and hives can become overheated. That's why adequate ventilation is crucial. Our Screened Bottom Boards not only help control pests but also provide the necessary ventilation to keep the hive cool and enable water evaporation.

4. In Hive Feeder

Bees need water for survival and hive cooling. If natural water sources are scarce, consider providing a water source with our Harvest Lane Honey Bee In Hive Feeder. Its design ensures the bees can safely land and drink without the risk of drowning.

5. Honey Harvesting Kit

Finally, when it's time to reap the fruits of your bees' labor, our Honey Harvesting Kit comes equipped with all the tools you need for a smooth and efficient process. But remember, harvest responsibly. Always leave enough honey for your bees - they'll need it when food sources become scarce.


With these tools and tips at your disposal, you're set to prepare your Harvest Lane Honey beehives for a productive summer. Remember, our buzzing buddies work tirelessly throughout the season, and our job is to support them in their endeavor. So, here's to a summer buzzing with activity, flowing with honey, and fulfilled by successful beekeeping!

Products For Summer

Deep Box Combo Painted & Assembled 8 or 10 frame - Harvest Lane Honey
Feed for Bees with Essential Oils - Harvest Lane Honey
Heavy Duty Vented Beekeeping Jacket with Veil - Harvest Lane Honey
Medium Box Combo Painted & Assembled 8 or 10 Frame - Harvest Lane Honey
1 lb Pollen Pattie - 4% Pollen (1 or 6 pk) - Harvest Lane Honey
1 lb Brood Feeding Pattie - 15% Pollen (1 or 6 pk) - Harvest Lane Honey
Large Metal Smoker 4 x 9
Standard Hive Tool - Harvest Lane Honey

Blogs For You

Mid - Summer Beehive Inspection

Your beehive should be in honey production phase. For a new hive you may be only adding your second box at this point.

Addressing A Weak Hive

If your hive is struggling and you do not already have two boxes on your hive, and you live in a colder climate, you may want to shift gears and go into hive preservation mode.

Adding Additional Hive Boxes

Learn how to add medium or deep boxes to your hive this summer. As well what "super", and "combo" means.

5 Honey Extraction Tips

Learn a few tips on how to make your honey extraction eaiser this year. This is a great read for beginner beekeepers.

Making Money With Honey

Beekeeping can be a pricey hobby, especially if you are a new beekeeper. The wonderful thing about beekeeping is that there is a way for this hobby to pay for itself, as well as for your time taking care of the bees.

How Do You Harvest Honey From Your Beehive

Learn how to harvest your first batch of honey this summer. This has great information, and a step by step guide to help with every challenges that you may face.

5 Methods For Tracking Honey Production

Keeping and tracking information about your honey production is very important. The reasonin behind tracking is that it can insure you’re on track with harvesting and let you know whether your bees are doing well this year or not.

Tips For Selling Honey At The Farmers Market

Selling honey at the farmers market is a great way to help pay for your hobby. Many can say it's pretty “buzzin”. Even if you have no experience with selling, or the farmers market in general, don’t worry, we have some tips for you.

Products For You

Standard Bee Brush - Harvest Lane Honey

Kit - Harvest Lane Honey

Beekeepers Toolbox - Harvest Lane Honey

Videos For You

Check Out Our Instagram!

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