Spring Hive Prep

Learn How to Kick Off Your Bee Season with a Buzz!

Get your hives ready for a productive and healthy season with Harvest Lane Honey's beekeeping supplies.

Spring is here and it's time to prepare your beehives for the new season!

Harvest Lane Honey has everything you need to get your bees buzzing and thriving this spring.

From hive kits to protective gear, we've got you covered.

Products For Spring

Blogs For You

Spring Hive Maintenance

To help you ensure a thriving and healthy bee colony, we have put together some essential tips for spring hive maintenance.

Feeding Your Bees

Learn how to provide proper nutrition for your bees during spring.

Beehive Registration

Some States, Territories or Province's require beekeepers to register their bees within the area learn more.

Growing Your Hive

Once you have installed your bees in their Deep Brood Combo Box, they will start building a colony. Your job is simple. Give them a comfortable, protective home and give them some space.

Swarm Prevention

Tips on how to prevent swarms during the spring season.

Dealing With Hive Beetles And Mites

Learn how to deal with pest that may be infecting your hive.

Adding Bees Into Your Beehive

Read and watch a video of how to add bees to your beehive. Great read, and video for any new beekeeper.

Queen Rearing

Great information on how to rear queens and introduce them to your hives.

Products For You

Videos For You

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Learn great tips, and information about bees and beekeeping.
Everyday we strive to keep you updated of what you need to be doing as a beekeeper.