Order Live Bees From Our Dealers

Order Live Bees From Our Dealers

Want to buy bees but don’t know where to start? Well don’t worry, buying bees is easy!

  1. Decide what type of bees you want. If you don’t know what type of bees are right for you, learn the difference between Italian or Carniolan, the most common types of bees in North America, and understand which are right for your specific goals and needs.
  2. Second, order bees NOW from your nearby authorized retailer, then follow the link below or call the store directly about how best to order. Bees are sold by retailers based upon location; typically January - April and are delivered or ready for pickup March - May.
  3. Third, prepare by getting all the equipment you will need for your bees.
  4. Finally, learn all you can before your bees arrive along with joining a local beekeeping association or club so you you can be fully prepared when they arrive.

Here are our top retailers that sell bees:


Packages of bees are typically sold in measurements of pounds; 3 pounds of bees is the standard in the industry. Packaged bees should come with bees, one mated queen, and a feeding supplement.

It’s important to remember that packaged bees are very vulnerable and need to be transported and moved to their new home quickly. Packaged bees should stay in a cool, well ventilated area until installed. We recommend adding the bees into the hive within 24 hours of receiving them.


Need to learn more as a new beekeeper? Check this page out: Buzzing into Beekeeping


Get all this information and more in our Free Beginner Beekeeping Guide!

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